Project Portfolio - High Performance Concrete (HPC)
The definition of High Performance Concrete (HPC) is not exact. However, all HPC exhibits more strength and long-term durability than normal Portland cement concrete. In the Midwest climate, HPC must be resistant to harsh freeze-thaw conditions and internal chemical reactions, such as alkali-silica reaction (ASR). Higher strength and improved durability result from the addition of supplemental cementitious materials such as ground-granulated blast furnace slag and microsilica.
One of S.T.A.T.E. Testing’s first projects, in 2001, was Quality Assurance on the Wacker Drive Reconstruction Project. This project was notable for its innovative use of High Performance Concrete (HPC). Since that time, we have worked with CDOT to make HPC more economical and practical. The CDOT HPC specification utilizes readily available materials. These HPC mixes can be produced by Chicago-area contractors without extensive and time-consuming testing.

Wacker Drive was reconstructed with HPC (2001-2002)

The highly acclaimed North Avenue Bridge has an HPC superstructure. (2007)