Quality Assurance Oversight
Quality Assurance means representing our clients' interest to ensure quality construction on their projects. S.T.A.T.E. Testing brings a wide range of expertise that can be tailored to your project. From writing specifications to Quality Assurance testing, our team of professional engineers and technical staff provide the highest level of materials Quality Assurance management available in the Northern Illinois area.
Aggregates (AGCS)
Our accredited labs perform gradation analysis, specific gravity, and quality testing for coarse and fine aggregates. We can assist aggregate supplier with their duties under the IDOT Aggregate Gradation Control System (AGCS).
Materials Engineering
Materials Engineering is the specialty of engineering concerned with the component materials in the design and construction of civil works, including transportation systems. Materials Engineering occurs pre-project in developing specifications and training, during the project in Quality Assurance testing, and post-project in forensic analysis to determine why a failure occurred.
Soils Services
S.T.A.T.E. Testing services include soils tests for classification or moisture/density control. Our soils lab is approved by IDOT to perform acceptance tests required by the Project Procedures Guide. Field technicians can perform Quality Control and acceptance testing at the jobsite.
Project Portfolio
S.T.A.T.E. Testing has been blessed to be involved in many major and innovative projects. Our project portfolio consists of work performed on much of the Chicagoland expressway system, the Illinois Tollway system, and O’Hare International Airport. Some of our most innovative projects included those associated with the green movement including GTR, FRAP and Warm-mix asphalt.